
Located in Toronto
Built in 1990
Suite metered in 2014
97 residential units


The condominium had concerns over extremely high electricity bills that continued to be a heated issue for both Property Management and residents.

Having no way to determine why their condominium was using so much electricity, both the Property Manager and the residents decided to initiate an electricity suite metering program.


Total annual building consumption prior to suite metering: 1,610,400 kWh.

1st year savings: 117,000 kWh – $14,040.00

2nd year savings: 161,400 kWh – $19,368.00

Total savings over the first 2 years: $33,408.00

This condominium continues to see monthly savings since the utilization of the suite metering program. Suite metering continues to encourage conservation and reduces monthly maintenance fees. Through their suite metering program, the building did the following:

  • Decreased annual operating costs
  • Reduced monthly maintenance fees
  • Encouraged resident electricity usage awareness
  • Provided monthly billing services to residents


Almost immediately after initiating Priority’s suite metering program, the condominium began to see savings through reduced electricity consumption rates. Residents expressed satisfaction with their new electricity conservation awareness, the ease of viewing their usage and paying their electricity bill on a monthly basis.


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